Sep 28, 2020Liked by Ayush Jaiswal

Are these products or apps free?

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Article itself reflects the efforts of yours. Cameback here again to read and grab stuff.

Thankyou so much!

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https://kanbantool.com/ can be helpful too. It's a tool based on the kanban method that can be used to manage tasks and projects more efficiently.

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Thanks for sharing great tools that help remote teams move forward. I love Krisp. Have you tried Tappy? I am building a Clubhouse for remote teams, Drop-in audio for work https://tappy.so/?ref=ss

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Loved the article

You should give a shot on https://momentumdash.com/

You'll definitely love it :)


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Thanks, Really Great article! I have a few suggestions on the top of the list

1: Notion

2: Vimium browser extension

3: Bitwarden & lastpass[Both are free & Bitwarden is the open source]

4: Draw.io

5: Epichrome

6: Forest

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